Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fast, easy, healthy, and inexpensive food for a big family or teenagers...

Baked Rigatoni

Cook up a box of Rigatoni or other large firm pasta according to package directions. Rinse in cold water and drain well. Place in bottom of 81/2 x 11 pyrex dish. Whole grain preferable, of course.

Brown a package of ground turkey on the stove top, cooking thoroughly. Drain excess juice except for a little and pour over top of noodles. Spread evenly.

In the blender, pour in your favorite jar of spagetti sauce and 1/4 bag frozen spinach. (Do not let the kids see you do this!) Blend on low until consistent color. Pour over the top of pasta and protein.

Bake in the oven on 350 for 10 min. (I cover with tin foil at the 5 minute mark.) Turn off oven and sprinkle mixture with mozarella cheese and let sit in the oven until it is a melted mess of deliciousness!

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