Thursday, April 1, 2010

How much is enough?

Ok, I know some of you don't actually LIKE to seems like too much work and takes too much time. But as previously discussed, regular exercise pays significant dividends in the short and long term! Do I really need to list them all??? You know you will sleep better, eat better, feel better, and look better...

Soooo...How much exercise is enough?

Honestly? There is no magic number of hours per day or days per week. I wish there were because it would clear up a lot of confusion.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is: What is my main goal? Weight loss requires more exercise than cardiovascular health. Training for a specific sport requires more time than weight loss. This is where a knowledgeable fitness pro comes in handy.

The variables of exercise are set in stone as follows:

1. Frequency: 3 days per week for cardiovascular health, 4 days per week for improved performance/fitness, 5 - 6 days for weight loss and sports specific training.

2. Intensity: This should vary based on the above. I never recommend more than 2-3 super high intensity days per week. Especially for those over the age of 35.

3. Duration: 60 minutes minimum...don't argue, deal with it.

4. Modality: Cardio, strength, core, flexibility, and performance should all factor in based on goals.

5. Progression: This is the most overlooked aspect of fitness. Start slow and easy. Progress each week and be prepared for back slides. Just keep banging away at it and for goodness sake...

Get professional advice if you aren't sure of what you are doing!

ps. there is such thing as too much training...if you exercise more than 2 hours a day 6-7 days a week, there is a point of diminished return and significant risk of overuse injury, overtraining, and burnout, which will all lead to lower levels of fitness and performance. The exception to this is Ironman preparation...which a whole new level of crazy.

Have a great day! Quiz tomorrow...

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