Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is sedentary?

One of my favorite questions to pose to new staff and people training to be fitness professionals is this...

John is 40 something. He gets up, walks the dog for 15 minutes in the morning. He commutes 30 minutes each way to his desk job, regularly working right through lunch. After work, 3 days per week, he hits the gym for an hour before heading home. He eats dinner, walks the dog for another 15 minutes, and then crashes on the couch in front of the TV until bedtime.

Is John sedentary or active?

Yes or no, and why?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Lynn Wilson for correctly guessing that John is sedentary! Because his job requires little to no physical effort and he is seated for the day, he expends very few calories. In addition, people who spend long periods of time at a desk have muscular imbalances from desk posture and repetitive stress in the wrist and forearm.

    If you sit anywhere for more than an hour (car, desk, plane, waiting room) Get up, move and stretch. In John's case I would recommend a brisk walk at lunch and a set of "desk stretches" each hour for neck, core, shoulders and hamstrings.

    This helps bring blood flow back to the brain and organs, minimize shoulder and lower back discomfort and helps concentration.

    Lynn has won a free personal training appointment with me for being the first to correctly guess the answer. Nice Job,Lynn!
