Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, for my first fitness blog post, the first thing you should know is that you probably won't like a lot of what you read.

I have spent the last 27 years fascinated with the human body. Fitness and performance are a science that has no end in sight. I am still learning, and growing so it cracks me up when I meet someone who thinks they are an expert. I know who the experts are. Just saw a couple of them this past weekend. (Douglas Brooks still rocks, btw.)

Anyway, you all are out there still looking for the quick fix. The easy answer. You are setting the bar to high, too low. You are inconsistent in your training and your effort. You refuse to consult people who know more than you, and I can't for the LIFE of me figure out why!!!

When I got a clog in my bathtub recently. We tried to do it ourselves and then called someone who knew more than us to fix it. (Thanks, Brent) Your health and well-being are no different.

It costs money, you say? Damn right it does! We are just as educated as any other type of profession that you spend your money on. You pay for haircuts, make up and clothing, doctors visits, massage therapists...

Where do you spend your money, now that we are on that subject?

For every dollar you invest in your health and well-being, is 10 times saved down the road. You want to cry about the health care crisis?

If you are not actively working out and eating clean, you have no business complaining about the state of health care in this country. If you feed you kids crap that was processed God knows where and how, they are the ones who will pay dearly. More on kids later....

Anyway, I have a lot to say. It's not what you want to hear, but it is what you need to know!

I am offering free advice on this blog...see? Doesn't cost a thing to educate yourself. Getting healthy is a process. A process that starts with EDUCATION...

You just have to be willing to hear what I have to say.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Jerny.... You have placed other people's health and fitness on high priority... I hope that they can do the same, and appreciate your advice.
