Sunday, April 11, 2010


I think over the last 60 years American's have become increasingly resistant to discomfort. I blame this for a lot of the problems we are now facing. We are so accustomed to having our needs met immediately, that we have no patience.

We are a SOFT NATION!! Yuck.

Once upon a time in school, I loved learning about WW II. Particularly the part about rationing and doing without. Women left their kids and went to work, made food out for the family out of very little, grew vegetables in the back yard, while their husbands sat in trenches or slept in cots with scratchy blankets with many other snoring, dirty men. We were a tough country back then and we were admired for it.

Fast forward to 2000's......we have zero tolerance for heat (crank up that A/C baby) , cold (set that thermostat to the 80's), aches (pass the tylenol please), mild sickness (it's a cold, not cancer), and small things like traffic delays and irritating coworkers can raise our blood pressure.

Our perception of what is normal human living has been altered to the point that we are physical babies incapable of sucking up a little hardship. We wonder why the rest of the world disrespects us...hmmm.

Discomfort makes us strong, adversity makes us wise, exercise makes us healthy, junk food will never fix that coworker...

Next time you catch yourself whining about something, I highly recommend a conversation with a WWII Veteran and his wife.

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