Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Strength Training I What you need to know!

Strength training:

Everyone needs it. Period, don't argue.

If you don't believe me, then you probably consider Kathy Ireland a fitness expert in which case you don't need to read any further, you can pick up her DVD's pretty cheap.

WHY you need it is twofold:

1. To create a structurally and functionally strong frame on which to rely on until the day you die.

There is no reason for you to break a hip, slip a disc, or freeze your shoulders, becoming dependent on others to complete basic daily tasks...yikes.

2. Increase your lean body mass (LBM) and maintain it in order to keep the metabolism moving at an appropriate speed and have a little extra in case of emergency.

If you get into a car accident or need surgery, and you don't have enough muscle and bone to survive and recover without becoming frail, you bring your quality of life down many notches unnecessarily. Forget playing golf for a while.

So how much, how often, and what kinds of exercises???

The answer is as individual as you are. For me, I like to keep it basic and focus on what your greatest needs are. Women, increasing LBM and increasing functional strength usually. Men, increasing mobility around a joint and functional strength. Everyone is different and your workout is not your neighbor's workout.

Many people learn as they go and take classes. Others prefer to work with a trainer until they are comfortable with the concepts and considerations. Either way, if you are not lifting weights or doing some kind of conditioning work to fatigue, you need to get busy.... NOW!!!

My subsequent posts will describe the basic variables associated with traditional and functional strength training. Both of which are necessary and beneficial to you! See me for questions, it is never too early and it is never to late to get into a simple strength routine that pays major dividends down the road!

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