Friday, May 6, 2011

The pictures you see!

Everything about fitness that you hear in the media involves weight loss and sure fire ways to get that beach body ready. Products and packaged programs designed to make it simple for you to look like the models paid to pose for the pictures!

Why do we believe as a society that 6, 8, 12 weeks is enough to transform you body into looking like someone else's? I have numerous friends who are fitness competitors and models. Each and every one of them has exercised consistently for 10, 15, 20 years now. They don't eat packaged crap, they moderate alcohol consumption, and the live and breathe a healthy lifestyle. They deserve your respect and admiration.

They are committed to helping you do the same. These men and women are inspirations and their bodies did not come from the luck of genetics. I know meso-endomorphs, such as myself who have to work a lot harder to stay lean, however it is possible.

I have short legs, disproportionately long torso, and a tendency to carry fat in my arms. My genetic lottery ticket wasn't a winner, but I learned early how to embrace what God gave me and learned how to train to make my body healthy, stopped eating my children's food, and therefore look great.

Those of you still looking for the magic bullet to look perfect in a swimsuit, I say this...

Relax, eat healthfully, manage your stress, drink lots of water, make fitness a hobby, and stop expecting to look like the models you see. (Yes, they get airbrushed for pictures too!) There is a happy life available without looking perfect, I PROMISE!

I spend my life surrounded by girlfriends who look amazing and men who make women swoon.

I am just so proud of them and the message that they carry.

Looking for the easy way out doesn't work. Lifestyle does! The health benefits long term can no longer be ignored, you are the product of your choices...what are you going to do about it?

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