Friday, May 20, 2011

Wake up tomorrow better than you are today!

Fitness Jerny philosophy:

It is your God-given responsibility to improve yourself daily. Your body is your temple. Your mind is the altar. How are you treating it? Taking care of yourself means taking care to honor your physical self as a precious gift. You only get one body, you only get one chance. You are the end result of your choices. How is that working for you? It is never to late to make changes. It is never to late to turn back time. Why waste another day wishing things were different? Behavior change is hard, but a stroke is harder. Ask anyone who has had one.

You choose your destiny, your genetics are not to blame...your lifestyle is. Get off of the couch and into the game. Your children and grand children thank you!

Jerny Rieves is a popular fitness and wellness professional in the greater Phoenix area. She has twenty eight years of experience "in the trenches" helping people get healthy and fit. As an instructor, trainer, coach, and writer, she has motivated thousands of people to better their lives through behavioral changes and education. Jerny's passion and desire to share her knowledge is driven by the belief that a strong nation is built on solid information that inspires families and individuals to take better care of their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves.

For personal training, structural therapy, performance coaching, and metabolic prescription,

contact Jerny at

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