Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alcohol Is Ugly

The naked truth...

Alcohol makes you ugly.

Please feel free to rationalize your consumption. Research will tell you that anything more than 1 drink for women and 2 drinks for men a day is unhealthy.

Now, let's define a drink...

a small glass of wine

an ounce of hard liquor (1 shot glass)

8 oz beer

So how much are you drinking a day? Really...

Alcohol makes you fat and it does nothing for your personality. Growing up in an alcoholic household, I had a front row seat to it's effects on physical and emotional health. Not pretty.

There is always a good reason to drink...happy, sad, stressed, celebratory, sorrowful, name it and there's a drink for it. (A Yoga class will manage your stress and a healthy diet will provide you with your anti-oxidants so you can dump those reasons.)

It messes up your relationships and it kills people on the road. It teaches your kids how to numb pain and it excuses your bad behavior. You aren't fooling anyone except for yourself. That's why people don't like to drink alone, having a drinking buddy validates your habit.

Healthy is as healthy does. Alcohol is no different than fast food. Less is more. Period. If you are committed to a healthy and fit lifestyle, take a good hard look at how much alcohol you consume a week. Cutting back will pay huge dividends on every level of function. (If you "need" it, then it goes beyond the scope of my practice, there is a lot of help available out there though)

I won't win any popularity contests for this blog, but someone has to say it.

Alcohol makes you ugly, big red nose and all...


  1. Are we talking abstinence or moderation here?

  2. It depends on a lot of factors. Some people need complete abstinence, most others, its just a moderation issue.

    If you are drinking more that the above mentioned amounts and need more and more to get the same effect, then the answer is obvious.

    Cutting back doesn't mean cutting out completely if your relationships are healthy and your personality doesn't change with consumption. You are responsible with kids and don't get behind the wheel or do stupid things.

    However, if you are a hot mess and/or blackout often, you get behind the wheel of a car regularly while intoxicated, or you have a long history of ruined relationships where alcohol was a factor, a 12 step may be in order. A personal decision for sure...

    Personally, I like to keep my drinking to weekends and enjoy wine with meals or an occasional margarita pool side. Knowing your limits and sticking to them is key.
