Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Summer's Coming

If you are shuddering at the thought of getting into a swim suit, there is no time like the present to start making some small changes that can add up to a confident and healthier you this summer!

1. Cut back on alcohol (see last post for details)

2. Eliminate processed sugar and junk. You are addicted, yes, but it only takes 3 days to kick it and the benefits far outweigh your withdrawl symptoms. Just say no and you can drop a dress/pant size within weeks! (next post will deal with how this is done)

3. Go for a walk after dinner to burn a few extra calories and reduce your craving for after dinner treats.

4. Manage your stress healthfully. Breathing deeply and respond instead of react to situations. This will avoid the cortisol/insulin cascade that contributes to belly fat.

5. Drop the negative self talk. Research is indicating that your thoughts produce stress reactions similar to external stimuli. If you are obsessing or bashing yourself, the same hormones are being released contributing to your inability to lose weight.

Note: When asked to eliminate something, you need to be prepared to replace it with something else!

For sugar, replace with fiber and protein rich foods.

For negative talk, replace it with:

"I am human, I don't need to be perfect, just healthy"

By following one or more of these tips, you can take another step toward a healthy and more confident you!

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