Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coming back

Sometimes life just gets in the way.

An illness, and injury, a new job, a life change, a tragedy...something disrupts our health and fitness routine. Next thing you know, it's been months, years even, since a workout and/or clean eating was a part of your daily life.

The task of getting back on track always seems overwhelming, even for us seasoned fitness people! It is not impossible, however, if you know how to go about it...

First of all, decide it's time. Usually there is a defining moment: jeans don't fit, scale says something shocking, you see a picture of yourself, or you get some unwelcome news from the doctor. Once you have said "enough is enough!" Here are some tips to help you get pointed in the right direction:

1. Stop making excuses. There are 1000 reasons not to take the time and effort, but there is 1 very good reason why you should. You are important. Carve out time, even if it is just a few minutes a day, to make healthy decisions because you deserve to feel better.

2. Be consistent. The body will be confused at first. Don't confuse it more. Eat at regular intervals and get some activity every day. Once your body is in the groove, you will start noticing all the good stuff start to happen.

3. Be patient. It's a full 6 weeks for some people before the scale and inches drop. Focus on the positives in the meantime, such as sleeping better, improved mood and attitude, and more energy.

4. Under no circumstances should you compare yourself to where you used to be. This is a no win conversation with yourself. Take one workout at a time and enjoy it for what it is. A piece of your life that you have control over.

5. Do not start off to quickly! Ease into transition with workouts that leave you feeling great, not beat up. Start with smaller portions of foods you already eat instead of changing everything.

6. Keep going! Enlist support, you are going to need it for the days you want to give up!

7. Celebrate progress! Small improvements pay big dividends. Smile at your increase in strength and endurance. Remember if it was easy, everyone would do it!

With obesity rates and preventable disease at an all time high, you are the only one who can decide which course you will take. See a professional to help you get started and GET GOING!

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