Thursday, March 24, 2011


It is not evil or your enemy or your best friend.

It is the most readily available fuel source. Easy in and easy to burn. Throughout history it has kept the human race from starving to death. It provides us with serotonin regulation, anaerobic power, and is the number one source of muscle refuel after intense exercise. So what's the problem?

Like everything else in the American diet. We consume too much and the lowest quality, cheapest forms we can. It replaces our fiber and our protein and our essential fats. We think because it's fat free that it can't make us fat. To the contrary...

We only need so much. Simple sugar is broken down swiftly and if left unchecked, the blood sugar spike would kill us...fortunately we have a protective organ known as the pancreas. This poor, over worked tiny little thing keeps us from going blind and getting gangrene... all day long.

High glycemic index foods are items when eaten alone (chips, candy, crackers, popcorn) result in a very high blood sugar level which signal the pancreas to produce insulin that binds the sugar and discards it. Anything that is not used for energy is stored in the muscles. If the muscles don't need it (read: you haven't exercised) it gets stored as FAT. Yes, FAT. (Eating high glycemic foods at night? Double whammy and guaranteed storage where you don't want it)

If you are interested in safeguarding your health (diabetes is on the rise and it will kill you), losing some weight, and feeling better, start by avoiding high GI meals and snacks by:

1. Eating protein and fiber at each meal. That way, if you have some crackers or dessert, it won't be broken down so fast!

2. Snacks should also be high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Avocado, a small amount of cheese, a handful of nuts, cottage cheese, or veggies with hummus will satisfy you longer and contribute to a higher thermostat to boot. You won't overeat at your next meal and you won't crave sugar so much.

3. Exercise and eat your high glycemic foods immediately after your workout along with some protein to rebuild and refuel your muscles.

4. Ask yourself did God make it, or did a machine? Processed foods have little to no health benefits and if you had to open a package to eat it, it's going straight to your belly fat...picture it that way!

Ok, troops, start preparing in advance by getting rid of all the junk in your pantries (your kids don't need it either and it becomes a "treat" again if it isn't always around) and have your healthy options in the fridge and ready to go.

Microwave popcorn is a death wish...throw it out!

Yes, I have spend the better part of my life telling folks what they don't want to hear...sorry!

Not sure what Glycemic Index is or what foods are high? A quick google search will yield tons of information all saying the same thing. Lots of websites are devoted to assigning GI ratings to foods you eat. The lower the number the better.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Summer's Coming

If you are shuddering at the thought of getting into a swim suit, there is no time like the present to start making some small changes that can add up to a confident and healthier you this summer!

1. Cut back on alcohol (see last post for details)

2. Eliminate processed sugar and junk. You are addicted, yes, but it only takes 3 days to kick it and the benefits far outweigh your withdrawl symptoms. Just say no and you can drop a dress/pant size within weeks! (next post will deal with how this is done)

3. Go for a walk after dinner to burn a few extra calories and reduce your craving for after dinner treats.

4. Manage your stress healthfully. Breathing deeply and respond instead of react to situations. This will avoid the cortisol/insulin cascade that contributes to belly fat.

5. Drop the negative self talk. Research is indicating that your thoughts produce stress reactions similar to external stimuli. If you are obsessing or bashing yourself, the same hormones are being released contributing to your inability to lose weight.

Note: When asked to eliminate something, you need to be prepared to replace it with something else!

For sugar, replace with fiber and protein rich foods.

For negative talk, replace it with:

"I am human, I don't need to be perfect, just healthy"

By following one or more of these tips, you can take another step toward a healthy and more confident you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alcohol Is Ugly

The naked truth...

Alcohol makes you ugly.

Please feel free to rationalize your consumption. Research will tell you that anything more than 1 drink for women and 2 drinks for men a day is unhealthy.

Now, let's define a drink...

a small glass of wine

an ounce of hard liquor (1 shot glass)

8 oz beer

So how much are you drinking a day? Really...

Alcohol makes you fat and it does nothing for your personality. Growing up in an alcoholic household, I had a front row seat to it's effects on physical and emotional health. Not pretty.

There is always a good reason to drink...happy, sad, stressed, celebratory, sorrowful, name it and there's a drink for it. (A Yoga class will manage your stress and a healthy diet will provide you with your anti-oxidants so you can dump those reasons.)

It messes up your relationships and it kills people on the road. It teaches your kids how to numb pain and it excuses your bad behavior. You aren't fooling anyone except for yourself. That's why people don't like to drink alone, having a drinking buddy validates your habit.

Healthy is as healthy does. Alcohol is no different than fast food. Less is more. Period. If you are committed to a healthy and fit lifestyle, take a good hard look at how much alcohol you consume a week. Cutting back will pay huge dividends on every level of function. (If you "need" it, then it goes beyond the scope of my practice, there is a lot of help available out there though)

I won't win any popularity contests for this blog, but someone has to say it.

Alcohol makes you ugly, big red nose and all...