Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get moving!

On the days that you feel the least motivated to exercise are usually the days that you need it the most!

I have always said that the hardest part of any workout is getting started...

Think of it like this: A freight train moves very slowly at first, but as it begins to build momentum, it moves faster and more efficiently. If you are just getting started or restarted with exercise, you must start slow at first to avoid injury. Do not place pressure on yourself to do anything other than show up. So show up.

As you develop a consistent, healthy plan, you will begin to notice changes in every aspect of your life. You eat better, you sleep better, you manage stress better, you FEEL better. All because you got started and kept going.

Just go. Yep you are tired, so are we all. Yep, you could be doing other things and you don't have time. Join the club. An hour of your time most days of the week, however, pay dividends that increase exponentially over time.

You definitely don't have time for a heart attack or back surgery...last time I checked those things were preventable...just sayin...GET MOVING!!

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